About Domain Name Registrars and Registration

About Domain Name, Registrars, and Resellers

About Domain Name, Registrars, and Resellers This article will give you an idea about what is behind the scene between the Domain Name, Registrars, and Resellers, the differences, and the reality. The concept A domain name is a string of characters that represent an address on the internet jungle. They are unique, meaning that the is only one combination for …

Brief Notes About The Web Hosting Industry

Brief Notes About The Web Hosting Industry

There are a huge number of Web Hosting companies all around the world and all are similar in some aspects and different in others, but they all offer Web Hosting, which is the perfect place to go when you want a Web Site. I said the perfect place as you will get up and running your site faster than any other alternative you could ever think of, including any of the giants.

Virtual Host

IP-based virtual host vs Name-based virtual host. The magic of sharing.

Virtual Host To understand more about IP-based virtual host vs Name-based virtual host, first, we would need to clear the path with the definition of the virtual host. A virtual host is a technology that allows multiple websites to be called using their own domain names and all of this happens on the same server or inside the same system. …